Scout Hut Working Party – Saturday 12th July

Thank you to all our volunteers who helped us at our Scout Hut Working Party on the 12th July. Our combined efforts cleared a huge amount of rubbish from the garden and stores into a skip ordered to arrive at 10.30am. In fact, it arrived early and it was all hands on deck to fill the skip within the allotted 30 minutes time frame. Other jobs completed on the day included rehanging the toilet doors (so they can now be used!) and general gardening. This work will allow us to use our space more effectively and plans are in place to locate a storage container and minibus parking area within the grounds. We will be having more working parties later this year. Thank you!

Eco Kids Collection Fundraiser

We are pleased to inform you that we have teamed up with the Eco Kids Textile Recycling Project to  raise funds  for 2nd Bracknell Scout GroupWith 35% going towards travel costs for Foxes Cubs for their PGL trip and 65% going to travel costs for the 2nd Bracknell Summer camp 2015.

Here is an opportunity to sort through your cupboards, wardrobes, garage and loft.  In the bag provided (available in the Scout Hut) and/or your own bag we kindly ask you to donate items from the list below and bring them to your last meeting of term.

  • Good quality, dry clean clothing
  • Soft Toys
  • Pairs of shoes
  • Handbags
  • SMALL portable electrical items in good working condition ( this does not include TV’s)
  • Costume Jewellery
  • Bric-a-Brac (each item to be well wrapped and put in a box, separate from Textiles please)
    • Net Curtains
    • Bed Linen

BRIC-a-BRAC: we typically consider knick knacks today are: small vases, figurines, decorative teacups,  picture frames, small bowls, trinket dishes and other small ornaments.

SMALL, PORTABLE ELECTRICAL ITEMS (in good working condition). For example:  table lamps, toasters, hairdryers, clock radios, can-opener, toothbrush, cd player, coffee grinder, juicer   NO >>>T.V.’s of any size!

Foxes Cubs – March 2014 residential

In October 2013 I wrote a piece for the website about the Cubs narrow boating experience.  On contemplating why we take the young people away I came to the conclusion that it didn’t matter where we took the young people and I said something along the lines of ‘So where should I take the Cubs next?  A nice warm, large, hall in Bracknell, comfy sofas and not a canal, lake or even pond in sight.’  So that is exactly what we did this weekend, except there was a pond.

We stayed at the Guide centre in Bracknell, a nice warm hall, huge kitchen, comfy chairs, two large halls and lots of modern conveniences but what did we do in the middle of Bracknell so close to home and in the middle of a housing estate?

The Foxes Cubs had wanted to do their navigator badge at the beginning of September term but it was way down on their list of things to do.  After discussing a few residential themes with the Cubs they decided they wanted to do things with compasses and maps.  This suited me down to the ground.  In my other volunteer role with Girl Guiding I hold my Level 2 walking which allows me to take groups into open country, Dartmoor for example.  I love walking qualification, I love maps and I love passing on skills – perfect. ‘Can we go to the cinema?’ was another suggestion which again in September sounded such a good idea.  So we ended up with a weekend planned around maps and a trip to the cinema.

Friday night was all excitement and all about setting up beds next to friends, showing off sleeping bags and generally finding the toilets and where food was going to be cooked because for a Cub it is very important to know when and what you are getting to eat.  I also had two excited adults as it was their first camp as well.  I have forgotten how excited I was on my first night away with Brownies at seven years old and I have forgotten that going away is such a new experience for Cubs and for adults.  For me and the first aider (another old hand at residentials) Friday night was about to be prepared, being organized and ensuring there was a steady supply of coffee.  After hot chocolate, hot cross buns, a fire drill, deciding on our rules and making a glow bug it was time for bed.  I am always surprised when I take kids away; usually you only get to know them for 1 and half hours a week and sometimes that child is completely different to the one you have for the weekend as was the case his weekend.


By 11.30 the girls were asleep and only a few of the boys were still wiggling in bed.  First movements were at 5.15am but after being told it was not time to get up I had peace and quiet until 7.00am.

A flurry of activity had everyone up and dressed, bedrooms tided and sitting eating cereal, 50 rashers of bacon and 30 eggs disappeared in a flash.  After chores of washing up, wiping up, sweeping and clearing the table (yes all the Cubs did chores and they know how to) h

we sat down and looked at the local area on different types of maps.  The Cubs drew their own maps of the area and a route to Jocks Lane Park.

Using the OS Map, a street map and a compass we eventually found our way to Jocks lane were the hi vis jackets the Cubs were wearing came into their own, I could see them all.


Back to the Guide Centre for lunch of hot dogs and only a few moans when I said we were going back out again.  This time to follow a trail around the local area, allowing the Cubs to see the type of street furniture we have in Bracknell.  The trail led us back to the Guide Centre for cakes and ‘rest hour’ though I have to admit this was more for us leaders than the Cubs who seem to have endless energy.

Tea was jacket potatoes and the Cubs could choose their filling, followed by apple crumble and ice cream.  After washing up outside in the dark, this was a firm favourite with the Cubs, there was just time for some craft, covering notebooks and finger monsters, before lights out.  Everyone was fast asleep by 9pm.


Sunday saw the Cubs get up a little more slowly but 60 sausages and 54 hash browns soon disappeared.  The Cubs then made their packed lunch as we planned to eat at the park.  We walked to the cinema where the Cubs each bought their kids fest of popcorn, drink and sweets and we settled in the seats to watch the Disney film ‘Frozen’ it was really, really good and all the Cubs were impeccably behaved.

oAfter another ‘400 mile’ walk in ‘100 degree heat’ the Cubs had time to play and then we walked back.  I’m not too sure if it was because the Cubs knew that when we got back it was time to go home or that they were worn out from the 5 miles we had walked over the weekend.

Asking the Cubs what they liked the best, we had ‘sleeping with all my friends’, ‘playing in the park’, ‘the food’, ‘seeing the film’ and ‘the zip wire’.  When asked where they want to go and do the next residential, we had ‘somewhere with a big zip wire’, ‘somewhere to walk the plank’, ‘bunk beds’, ‘near to a play park’, ‘3 nights’, ‘apple crumble’ and ‘no more walking’  and for us leaders ‘decent showers’.  If anyone has any suggestions of a location let me know.

This was presented for publication in March, but editorial constraints have delayed it [Ed.]

Scout Hut Working Party – Saturday 10th May 2014

A huge thank you to our volunteer helpers who devoted their Saturday morning to transform the garden and open space around the Scout Hut. Activities included: strimming the overgrown grass; cutting back the shrubs and trees; clearing gutters and leaves; digging the flower bed; finding and piling up all sorts of rubble and rubbish ready for the skip.

Cleaning up at the Hut - clearing the trailer

Cleaning up at the Hut – clearing the trailer

Cleaning up at the Hut - that's looking better

Cleaning up at the Hut – that’s looking better

Cleaning up at the Hut - we have grass!

Cleaning up at the Hut – we have grass!

Cleaning up at the Hut - your standing on the vegetables

Cleaning up at the Hut – your standing on the vegetables

Cleaning up at the Hut - much more like an emergency exit way

Cleaning up at the Hut – much more like an emergency exit way


Ian Pike, Chris Drage, Lesley and Aiden Johnson, Lynne & Rob Hughes, Denise Brown, Ian Wooster, Kirstie Rowan, Alex Farnell, Paul Lee, Ed Cecil, Jean Remillard, Colin Thorne, Richard Creber

Our next Working Party will be Saturday 12th July – details to follow

Buildings and Maintenance Sub-Committee

The Buildings and Maintenance sub-committee held their second meeting of the year on the 19th March. The sub-committee is made up of Group executive members with the responsibility to look after and maintain the Group’s facilities, equipment and mini bus.

Our minutes are available to view under the: Leaders –> Group Exec –> Buildings Sub-Committee –> 2014 Minutes section of the web site.

Calling All Volunteers

We will be holding Working Party Saturdays at the Scout Hut on:

Saturday 10th May – general tidying, cleaning and gardening
Saturday 12th July – maintenance and repair jobs

We need volunteers to help support the Group to attend to these important tasks. Please leave a Comment to this Post if you are able to help us – Thank You!