Cub (Foxes) – Adventure at PGL by Rama

Normally the Monday after a weekend away with Cubs I’m exhausted, still trying to sort out hastily packed  boxes, cleaning kitchen equipment and sorting through various miscellaneous carrier bags of debris.  Today though I have caught up with my household chores, spoken to parents, taken the dogs for a walk and had a very pleasant relaxing day. 

So why the difference? The Cubs went to PGL Liddington. PGL are a company that run activity centres, inspiring children with outdoor adventure.  Most of the organisation of the holiday is done by PGL from an initial per person inclusive cost to being looked after for the whole weekend by our “Groupie” everything is organised for me. 

Last year when the Leaders at Foxes sat down with the Cubs to ask what sort or holiday or camp they wanted in the Cubs year of adventure they unanimously voted for beds indoors, with showers.  They wanted lots of activities, cake to eat and they wanted to go by coach.  Firstly, I found the costs for indoor accommodation and eight adventurous activities at two scout centres, I also spoke to PGL, the costs were comparable but with PGL all the bedding was supplied, food was included and I didn’t have to organise everything or spend the weekend cooking.

We left Bracknell at 3pm on the Friday by coach, and arrived at Liddington at 4.15pm.  We were met by our groupie Sami and were shown to our en-suite rooms.  The Cubs were split into rooms of four, bunk beds, all beds were made and the kids enjoyed unpacking.  Our Groupie gave us a tour of the site and went through the site rules and fire procedures.  It was then time for our first meal, a choice of three dishes, choice of vegetables, salad bar, fruit and cheese cake.  It made a huge difference sitting down and eating with the Cubs, talking to the Cubs, they were so excited. 

After tea it was time to play “Ambush” a wide game, first job was to put on camouflage, mmm rather them than me.  The Cubs then spent hours running around the bushes thoroughly enjoying the evening sunshine.  Soon it was time to go to bed; the Cubs sung their way back to the rooms and washed.


Figure 1 Make up delight for the Friday night.


The next morning the Cubs were up and ready by 7am for breakfast at 8am, after cereal, cooked breakfast, toast and fruit it was off to our first activities, Quad biking and crate challenge.


Figure 2 How high can we go.


Figure 3 This is hard work.


Figure 4 Learning to belay.


Figure 5 Can we stay up here?


Figure 6 Girls are always the best drivers.


Figure 7 Not too fast and don’t knock me down.

Lunch on the Saturday was a very noisy affair, lots of “quad biking was the best”  “we got the highest on the crates”  after  lunch of hot baguettes, fillings and salad we were off again this time to abseil a 39.5 foot tower and become champion archers…


Figure 8 do we really have to go up there?


Figure 9 A new technique the caterpillar wiggle.


Figure 10Figure 11 Come here I’ll help.


Figure 12 I made it!


Figure 13 Fire when ready.


Figure 14 Can I touch?


Figure 15 A new skill discovered.


After dinner it was to a more traditional camp activity and outside for a campfire, old favourites and new songs learnt and stories that involved getting dirty (again)


Figure 16 I wonder if I can get into bed without washing?


Figure 17 Keeping up the Scouting traditions. Elemental movements.

Saturday night saw everyone asleep by 9.30pm, wonderful.

Sunday morning saw cooked breakfast with, apparently, the best spaghetti ever.  This time it was off to zip wire and challenge course.


Figure 18 Caterpillars again


Figure 19 Almost like riding a horse


Figure 20 the Zip wire


Figure 21 Again and again

After a lunch of hot sausage rolls we had just enough energy to try fencing and vertical challenge.


Figure 22 Looks easy from here.


Figure 23 because I’m happy, clap along, if you feel like that’s what you want to do.


Figure 24 that really is high.



Figure 25 Made it to the first bit.


Figure 26 I think I want to come down.


Figure 27 Yep too high.


Figure 28 Spider skills


Figure 29 Get ready…

Figure 30 On Guard!


Figure 31 Real Foils!

The trip home on the coach wasn’t as quiet as I expected, but I did enjoy the rendition of Reece’s peanut butter cup.  The Cubs were challenged, encouraged, excited and all had a fantastic time.  Now I wonder where they choose to go next?

Scout Hut Working Party – Saturday 21st March

A big thank you to everyone who turned out for our first working party of the year.

The outside of the hut was given a big spring tidy up, with leaves collected, grass strimmed and mown, over grown bushes and trees cut back, flower beds dug over and the fire pit area reorganised.

Our maintenance expert also repaired the broken toilet.

Those who helped, and apologies as I may have missed some helpers… were:

Ian Wooster, Ed Cecil, Alex Farrell, Sally Bangs, Klax, Colin Thorne, Jason Dale, Richard & George Creber.

Watch this space and your email for details of the next working party.

Photos will follow.

St Georges Day Parade & Service – 26th April 2015


St George is the Patron Saint of The Scout Association. This is only one of two important Scout dates and it will be good to see as many of our members at this parade and service.

We will be meeting outside Bracknell & Wokingham College at 2.10pm to form the parade and set off at 2.40pm to arrive at St Joseph’s Church for the Service commencing at 3.00pm and finishing by 3.50pm.

There will not be a parade after the Service, therefore all Scouts, Explorers, Cubs and Beavers can be collected from the Church.

Parents and their families are very welcome to attend.

Please wear full uniform and bring a coat should the weather turn for the worse.

A decision will be made at 2.20pm. if the Parade has to be cancelled due to severe weather.

Car parking is available in the College car park, but you must leave before 4.30pm

Project Response

Project ResponseBracknell & Wokingham College support 2nd Bracknell in running programmes for our sections and we are pleased to assist them in marketing Project Response.

Project Response involves the Uniformed Public Service department and the Mechanics department of Bracknell and Wokingham College and the local Police Cadets in creating a ‘Public Service Vehicle’. The vehicle will be equipped with lights and sirens, markings and other equipment for role plays, open events, media opportunities, public events and general training. The main aim of the project is to promote better quality of training and education for the emergency services of the future. In an age of ever increasing funding cuts we are attempting to fill the void a little bit, however we need to raise £1500 in order to complete the project. If you can help us please donate on the following link:

Thank you for any help you are able to give for this project, we hope this will result in better quality emergency services in the future that will one day save lives.

Daniel Bell, on behalf of Bracknell & Wokingham College

Sophie’s Stars Broadgate Stair Climb

broadgateSophie’s stars had a great day starting with a stroll to find the tower before heading off for a light breakfast together, then before we knew it, it was time to do our warm up training with toucan training then off we went up the tower, after 15 minutes we were standing on the roof of the tower looking out across London, whilst admiring our medals as well as the view,
a lift was provided to get back down the tower so other participants could carry on with their climb, once we had collected our belongings we headed for our complimentary pasta lunch and hot drink courtesy of chef Gino D’ Campo.
Next stop was to find a nice pub for a celebratory team drink before heading back to the train station to get home so we could continue the celebrations with team drinks, nibbles and board games.
  Click pictures to enlarge
