Planting Saplings.

For 2 hours, Beavers from across the 4 colonies of 2nd Bracknell Scout Group were at Larks’s Hill, Quelm Park.

20141122_111039The drizzle did not dampen their enthusiasm  to plant 210 saplings, to become a new hedgerow. A total of 72 people came to help the Warfield Environment Group and Rangers from Bracknell Forest Council’s Parks & Countryside unit.






26 Beavers,  4 Beaver Leaders,  1 Young Leader from Explorers.  28 Parents and 13 Siblings.

In years to come those Beavers will be able to point out the hedgerow to their children and say “I planted that!”

20141122_110725WELL DONE EVERYONE – Thank you for turning up.