A New Year started for Foxes last night when the Sixers, Seconds and leaders had a planning meeting for what they would like to do at Cubs this term. I must confess I was not looking forward to it, I had got out of the habit of Cubs. The end of last term finished very suddenly when the school, in which we meet, needed the school hall for their Christmas disco. It meant our programme that should have finished with a Christmas party finished the week before - a whole month ago.
Since the end of last term my time has been taken up with family and the whole celebration that is Christmas. I love Christmas the fun and joy it can bring but felt disappointed I didn’t get time to share this with the Cubs. We collected food for the food bank, four carrier bags and completed lots of Christmas craft but we didn’t get to finish everything the Cubs had planned.
Last night the cubs came to the meeting full of enthusiasm, it was very contagious. This term we will have four sixes, blue, red, orange and green. At first the Cubs were almost timid with their ideas. ‘How do you want to start the new term?’ after a few minutes silence ‘Do we have new cubs?’ ’Can we play games?’ ’I like crafts’. It didn’t take very long for the Cubs to become more vocal ‘Can we go on stargazing live?’ ’there is a stargazing badge, can we do that?’ ‘You mean the Astronomer? I don’t see why not.’ so we spent some time looking at what the badge involves and planning what we would do each week. The Cubs were a little disappointed when I said it was unlikely to involve being on stargazing live, but they have planned to write a letter to the show.
Mothers Day was next on the list and inspiration was sort in the Baker Ross catalogue. The Cubs decided the cost was high and would make cards, sweets and coupons. Boxercise, Zumba and go to the Golf range were the next suggestions, I made furious notes. Healthy eating, turning our gardens into a fitness zone, go to the park, clean the Scout hut, cutting trees down, pancake races, cooking, making fake sick… The list went on.
After a break of chocolate ‘fish and chips’ the Cubs decided on a programme for the term. Just a few days for us Leaders to find someone who can teach Boxercise and Zumba, find the costs of the driving range, source the Mother’s day card and decorations, gen up on Astrology and possibly get hold of Brian Cox and see if he wants to answer questions on Astronomy the Cubs are bound to ask. Just as well the enthusiasm rubs off I can wait for such a fun filled term to start.