2002 Explorer’s Cub Badge – Runways End

On the last weekend in November we took 21 Cubs and 11 Scouts to the Scout Activity Centre at Runway’s End near Farnborough.

Runways End - road

The purpose of the weekend was to complete the Cub Explorer Badge (or Adventure badge as it is called in the new programme that we are starting in January). It was quite wet at times and the Cubs certainly went home with some very muddy clothes!

Akela had his little digital camera and took a lot of pictures which may give you a feel for some of the activities that we did.

One of the tasks in the badge is to build a shelter. We divided the Cubs into teams and gave each team a couple of Scouts to assist them.
When the shelter was built the whole team had to get inside while Bagheera checked for waterproofing by pouring water onto it.

On Sunday we did the final part of the badge. This is a 5km (3 mile) hike. The site at Runway’s End is very close to the Basingstoke Canal so we set off down there.

We all had a good, if tiring and rather soggy weekend. Special thanks go to Raksha for organising the weekend. We also need to thank the other leaders and helpers as could not have managed without them.