District Quiz 2004

The District Quiz took place on Saturday 6 March at Earleywood camp site in South Ascot.

To enter the quiz you need to have a team of 3 comprising one 8 year old, a 9 year old and a 10 year old. This year we were only allowed to enter one team per pack.

Stags Stuart Allen (10*),Fraser Woods (9), Cameron Shields (8)
Wolves Oliver Viney (10), Harry Littlehales (9*), Luke Bartholomew (8)

* Stuart is actually 9 but answered the harder age 10 questions. Similarly, Harry is 8 but answered the age 9 questions.

The quiz was in two parts. The questions rounds included sections on Scouting, mental arithmetic, English language, English literature and geography. Then there were the practical rounds which included identifying road signs, dingbats, driving radio controlled cars around a course, nature pictures and a game of “Go Bananas”. Once all the teams had completed all the rounds the scores were added together.

Scores at this point were as follows, with the top 2 teams (coloured yellow) going forward to the final:

1st Binfield Seeonee
7th Bracknell
1st Binfield Wolves
2nd Bracknell Wolves
1st Sunningdale
1st South Ascot A
1st Ascot (All Saints)
8th 2nd Bracknell Stags 170½
9th 6th Bracknell 146½
10th 1st South Ascot B 141½

The final was between 7th Bracknell and 1st Binfield Seeonee and was won by Binfield who now go forward to represent our District at the County Quiz on 27 March.

Very well done to all those who took part. I hope that you all had an enjoyable afternoon.


District Swimming Gala 2003

The District Swimming Gala took place on Saturday 1 November. Once again the District is grateful to the Licensed Victuallers School on London Road for allowing us to use their pool for the afternoon.

As usual the event was split into 2 age groups with the under 9½ races taking place first. Any one competitor was limited to a maximum of two pointed events plus the relay.

We entered 2 teams – Salmon and Tuna – which were made up with Cubs from Stags and Wolves. Unfortunately on the day we were let down by Michael Matthews and James Morgan so had to use other team members to take their places. We were not able to enter all the events. On a more positive side, Thomas Freeman’s suspected broken arm turned out to be a false alarm so he was able to take part.

Before we get to the results I’d just like to say a big thank you to everybody that came and took part. I hope that you had an enjoyable afternoon supporting the 2nd Bracknell teams.

Under 9½ year olds

1 width freestyle
(crawl – start in water)
Thomas Freeman
Came 1st with a new record time of 6.7s
William Hawkes
1 length freestyle
(crawl – diving start)
Alex Mason
Fraser Woods (3rd)
1 width breaststroke
(start in water)
Ben Lyndon (4th)
Stuart Allen
1 length breaststroke
(diving start)
1 width backstroke
Thomas Freeman (3rd)
Jake Ellis


1 Length freestyle
(crawl – start in water)
Ben Lyndon
Daniel Jordan (4th)
1 Length freestyle
(crawl – diving start)
Daniel Gathergood
Dean Harry (4th)
1 Length breaststroke
(start in water)
Daniel Gathergood
Daniel Jordan (4th)
1 Length breaststroke
(diving start)
Matthew Molyneux (1st)
1 Length backstroke
Matthew Molyneux (2nd)
Dean Harry
1 Width butterfly
(no points for this event)
The Plunge
(Cub dives in, makes no stroke and glides as far as he can)
Alex Mason
Fraser Woods

The Relay

Salmon (3rd)
1 Length backstroke
Daniel Gathergood
Dean Harry
1 Length freestyle
(under 9½)
Alex Mason
Fraser Woods
1 Length breaststroke
Matthew Molyneux
Daniel Jordan
1 Length freestyle
Thomas Freeman
William Hawkes

In addition there are two MEDLEY events which are not pointed for the Palmer Shield but are for individual winners medals for the fastest times.

  • Under 9½ Medley consists of 1 width backstroke, 1 width breaststroke and 1 width freestyle swum consecutively. Alex Mason, Ben Lyndon, Thomas Freeman and Fraser Woods entered the heats in this event. Alex came 4th in his heat and Fraser came 3rd in his heat. Thomas came 1st overall. Places were decided between the two heats based on individual times.
  • The Open Medley consists of 1 length freestyle, 1 length backstroke, 1 length breaststroke and 1 length freestyle swum consecutively. Matthew Molyneux and Dean Harry entered this event. Matthew came 3rd.

Palmer Shield
The points from the events excluding the Medley and Butterfly are all added up and the winning team takes home the Palmer Shield. The positions and points were as follows.

1st Sunningdale
1st Binfield Wolves
1st Ascot (All Saints)
1st South Ascot
2nd Bracknell Salmon
1st Binfield Seonee
2nd Bracknell Tuna

Our Tuna team were very unlucky not to get more points. Dean and Daniel finished in 4th place for all their events. Unfortunately points are only given for 1st, 2nd and 3rd.

Sunflower Competition

This summer we had a competition to grow the tallest sunflower. As you may have seen in the Bracknell News one Cub grew an 11′ flower. The Environment Department of the Council also had a tallest sunflower competition this summer. The record was set by six year old Jake Davies in 2001. His sunflower was an amazing 4.23m. None of our flowers managed to beat him.

Reports from the packs …

14 May – Sam Heathcote reports 4cm shoots.
15 May – Wolves report that many of their seeds now have shoots up to 2cm high.
17 May – Lots of reports of seeds shooting. Most people now have at least one plant
2 June – Oliver Viney has planted his out in the garden Sunf-Oliver-sm
7 June – Baloo sends pictures of his and Thomas’s plantssflowers-baloo7Jun
8 July – Daniel Jordan reports his plants are 136cm and 110cm tall and still growing
10 July – Daniel Gathergood sends photographic evidence. His sunflower is 97cm tallS-DanielG
27 July – Oliver Viney sends pictures of his sunflower – now 6′ 7″ (2m) tall.Sunf-Oliver
1 August – Update from Daniel Jordan – his plants are now 2.4m and 1.9m. Almost as tall as Akela’s!
2 August – The race between Baloo and his son Thomas continues. They have 2 sunflowers each.Sunf-Baloo Baloo’s are now 180cm and 171cm while Thomas’ are lagging behind at 152cm and 142cm.
14 August – Oliver Viney’s plant is getting taller. Lets hope somebody waters it while he is at campSunf-Viney14Aug
2 September – Oliver’s sunflower is now just over 3m tallSunf-Viney2Sep
4 September – Ben Lyndon gets his picture in the Bracknell News with his 11′ (3.35m) tall sunflower which makes him the winnerSunf-BenNewsSunf-Ben
9 October – Sam Heathcote records that his flower made it to 2.53m and had a very large flower

Akela’s Sunflower Diary …

6 May – seeds planted
15 May – one green leaf breaking the surface
18 May – A long shoot with two large leaves on the end (only 1 seed germinated)sunflower18May
7 June – planted outside
13 July – now 165cm tallSunf-13Jul
30 July – even taller – now a massive 275cm tall, poking out above my runner beansSunf-30Jul
10 August – the hot weather has not stopped my sunflower growing. It has now topped 3m!
13 August – some people didn’t believe that my sunflower was so tall. It is now 3.2m and there is a photo to prove itSunf-13Aug
25 August – it has now got a big flower on the topSunf-23Aug
3 September – at 3.3m tall, but the flower is now so heavy that it has bent the stem right over


Cubs & Scouts Summer Camp 2003

Summer Camp ran from 16-23 August 2003 and was held at Blackland Farm camp site near East Grinstead. Thanks to people with their digital cameras we have loads of pictures – a record breaking 93 online! You can click the image to see a larger size photo.

Here’s our Summer Camp diary.
Saturday: Unpack the van and put up the tents.
Sunday: Cubs Own, Beavers visit, Bluebell Railway and blackberry & apple crumble
Monday: Ashdown Forest Visitor Centre, string trail
Tuesday: Tent inspection, climbing wall, archery
Wednesday: On the beach at Eastbourne, Banger Racing
Thursday: Ready, Steady Cook!, Abseiling
Friday: Sleepy cubs, tent pitching, tree identification, swimming
Saturday: Cubs kit inspection

Setting up camp is a lot of work for everyone. First step was to unload all the kit from the van.Sc03-unloadingvan Some items, such as the poles for the mess tent, are rather heavy and require team work to get them moved.Sc03-unloadpoles

Some of the tents, such as the cooking shelter are rather tricky to put up. Baloo and Jean Remillard make the finishing touches to the kitchen.Sc03-kitchen

The Cubs camped in the Woodpigeons field with the Scouts next door in Peewits field. There was quite a slope between the kitchen tent at the top of the hill Sc03-messtentand the Cubs tents at the bottom.Sc03-cubtents

Akela, Baloo and Allan sensibly decided to pitch their tents at the top of the hill.Sc03-leaderstents

Our first full day at camp proved to be a busy one. Unfortunately for them it was the Spruce tent that woke Akela just before 6am. Once they had done the breakfast washing up we started the day with Cubs Own – a short Church service which took place around the flag pole.Sc03-Cubsown Many of the Cubs wrote prayers to read out.

Soon afterwards the Beavers arrived to see what a day at camp is like. It also gave the parents a chance to see what was going on inside the tents.Sc03-Heathcotes

After lunch the Cubs and Scouts departed on foot for a hike to the Bluebell Railway Station at Kingscote.Sc03-Kingscote The Beavers and parents had time for a game of cricketSc03-Bvrgame as they were going to Kingscote by minibus. Not all the parents wanted to play so some were quickly roped in by our SMICCTSO team to prepare some food for dinner.Sc03-peeling

When we got to the station we were pleased to discover that the Bluebell Railway had reserved us a carriage at the back of the train. We also had a brief talk about the history of the railway from one of their guides.Sc03-ontrain The combination of a late night and brisk walk proved too much for Jack.Sc03-traindoze

It was a hot day and after their walk to the station the Scouts were glad when the train arrived at Sheffield Park and they could get a cool drink.Sc03-scoutsdrink The Cubs headed for the gift shop which meant a busy time for Baloo and the Camp Bank.Sc03-banker On the return journey the Scouts got off at Horsted Keynes and walked back to the site. The Cubs and Beavers were pleased to see the minibus waiting for them at Kingscote.Sc03-minibus

While we had been off site our catering team had not been sitting about. Carolyne had cooked a blackberry and apple crumble using blackberries picked on the site and was just putting the mashed potato topping on a shepherds pie.Sc03-Shepherdspie (Dietary note – As one of the Cubs had a “no beef” restriction on his catering form the shepherds pie was made with lamb mince).

The Cubs and Beavers joined together for a camp fire to end the afternoon.Sc03-bvrfire

Once the Beavers had departed it was time for dinner. The shepherds pie was nicely browned on the top and went down very well.Sc03-servingshepherds

This was followed by a delicious blackberry and apple crumble served with custard.Sc03-crumble After meals the Cubs and Scouts do their own washing up. However, unlike Greg they don’t normally wear rubber gloves.Sc03-marigolds

In the morning we worked on the Naturalist badge by looking at the birds and trees on the camp site. After lunch we went to the nearby Ashdown Forest Information Barn. The Cubs were given a quiz to complete while they were there.Sc03-outsidebarn

Once inside the barn the hunt for answers took them all over the exhibits under the watchful eye of a stuffed fallow deer.Sc03-quizSc03-deer

Meanwhile, upstairs the Ventures were puzzling over a jigsaw map of the Ashdown Forest which they eventually managed to put together.Sc03-venturesjigsawSc03-vjigsaw2 There was also a nature table which included some antlers. Daniel and Oliver decided to try them on for size.Sc03-antlers

Each of the tents at camp were named after trees that grow in Ashdown Forest. The Information Barn had examples of them so it seemed too good an opportunity to miss. We chose;




and OakSc03-oak.

When we got back to the camp site the Ventures made a string trail in the woods. First of all the Ventures explained how it all worked.Sc03-string1 The team had to carry a small billy along the string. Easy enough when you can see,Sc03-string2 but in the final stages the team was blindfolded with just the Sixer able to give instructions.Sc03-blindstring

Each morning started with tent inspection. This serves two purposes. It allows the leaders to check the tents to ensure that there are no problems. It also encourages the Cubs to keep their kit tidy and their tents free from litter. Under the watchful eyes of the VenturesSc03-watchingventures, Team Piglet are inspected by Allan and Chris while Team Eeyore wait with Baloo.Sc03-allaninspects Sc03-eeyore Meanwhile, on the other side of the tents the Scouts inspection involved laying out their kit and airing sleeping bags.Sc03-scouttents

After inspection it is time for flag break. Today was an historic date as it was the first time Baloo had lead flag break and Grand Howl.Sc03-flagbreakbaloo

After flag break we went climbing using the indoor climbing wall. Although Daniel had a broken arm he was quickly up the wall.Sc03-climbing1 There were several different types of wall to climb and each of the Cubs had the chance to try out several of them.Sc03-climbing2Sc03-climbing3 In between their goes they had to wait quietlySc03-climbhats.

After lunch it was time for a go at archery. Before anybody could pick up a bow, the instructor gave the Cubs a safety briefing. With that out of the way it is time to have a go.Sc03-archery2 Charlie did very well and got one of his arrows in the gold.Sc03-gold This gave Neil and Tom a bit of a challenge which they proved able to beat.Sc03-archeryv

We try to run a happy camp but it isn’t always possible to please all of the people all of the time.Sc03-unhappy

We all headed for the beach at Eastbourne. It was quite a procession as the minibus was supplemented by 5 cars. Unfortunately we found that many of the beach car parks at Eastbourne had height barriers which meant that we couldn’t get the minibus into them. Eventually we found one that we could use. It was just down the coast from the pier. When we first arrived almost all the Cubs and Scouts dashed down the beach for a swim in the sea before lunch.Sc03-beach1 After lunch the wind picked up a bit and there were some wind surfers to watch. Attention moved from swimming to throwing stones but this had to be banned after some cubs continued to throw stones when swimmers were in the water.Sc03-stones Allan had been for a dip before lunch but in the afternoon decided to take a nap in the sunSc03-alonbeach. Even Akela may have briefly closed his eyes.Sc03-akelanap For tea we ordered fish and chips. Dale and Steve went shopping and brought them back to the hungry hoardes on the beach.Sc03-beachtea1 Carolyne and ChrisSc03-beachtea2 tuck in.
After tea it was off to the Speedworth Banger Racing at Arlington. The Ventures look on as the rookie bangers line up for their first race.Sc03-banger1 The Cubs adopted Phil Hazel in the Rookie Bangers.Sc03-banger2 The favourites of the night were the Reliant Robins which provided great entertainment.Sc03-robin1 One in Police colours conveniently crashed right in front of where we were standing.Sc03-police4

If you click the following image, you can view a short  animation.Sc03-robins

After each meal we expect the Cubs and Scouts to do the washing up. By this stage in the week we thought that everybody had taken their turn but there was much excitement when Callum was spotted with a tea towel.Sc03-callumdry

One of the traditional events at Summer Camp is the banquet. This year we called it Ready, Steady, Cook! The Ventures were given £10 per team and had to provide a meal including starter, main course, dessert and drink. The meals would be judged and include points for welcome, entertainment and team work as well as judging the meal itself. Once the ingredients had been purchased it was up to the Cubs to decide on the meal and how to cook it. Team Piglet examine their shopping.Sc03-pigfood

With their fire already lit Team Eeyore start to prepare their meal.Sc03-eeyorecook Having decided what to cook Oliver prepares some carrots for the main course.Sc03-carrots Then it was time for the judges. Baloo studies the menu while Martin tries the starter.Sc03-pigjudge

By the time he got to the fruit salad Baloo looked a lot happier.Sc03-pigpud Once the judges had left the team had their chance to sample the food.Sc03-pigeat

Meanwhile the judges moved on to Team Eeyore.Sc03-ejudge After all that eating it was time for the judges to compare notes and make their decision.Sc03-judging

It was a close thing but in the end the ceremonial spoon was awarded to Team Eeyore.Sc03-spoonSc03-espoon

In the afternoon it was time for abseiling. As usual with these sort of adventurous activities the instructors first checked that all the helmets and harnesses were on correctly.Sc03-abhat Then it was time to have a go. Jack and Matthew lean back and let the ropes take the strain at the top of the tower. Then they make their way down to the ground. It’s quite a tall tower but they make it look easy.Sc03-abstwrtopSc03-absdescend


At the start of the week the Cubs were awake at first light and full of energy. By the end of the week we knew that we had tired them out. Breakfast was getting later and later and by Friday there was no waking the Oak tent.Sc03-sleepyoak It wasn’t just the boys that were tired though. While the Cubs were off doing their badge work Baloo had time for forty winks.Sc03-Baloonap

Meanwhile the Cubs were busy completing their Camper and Naturalist badges. Akela had Team Piglet in the woodsfinding different tree types to take bark rubbings of.Sc03 - trees

This left Team Eeyore in the hands of the Ventures for tent pitching practice.Sc03-pitching It took quite a long time but they eventually managed to get it pitched correctly.Sc03-tentup

In the afternoon we went swimming at East Grinstead. Even Daniel with his arm in plaster went in for a dip. Sc03-swim At least it meant that the Cubs were clean again!

Friday tea was beef burgers for most of us. However, Thomas’ dietary form was very clear that he shouldn’t have beef so he had a serving of chicken burgers instead.Sc03-burgers

As Friday night was our last one we wanted to end the week with a camp fire. As usual it was lead by the Ventures.Sc03-fire1 One of the favourite songs was humpty dumpty – we can see the Ventures “getting funky now”.Sc03-funky
Before long it was time for a break and few biscuits with a drink of hot chocolate. Then it was time for the final song – “Hello, my name is Joe” which all gets a bit lively when you have to press the button with your hands and feet together.Sc03-joe

On the last morning we always make the Cubs lay out their kit outside the tents.Sc03-kitout This is so that they stand a fighting chance of getting their own stuff back in their bags and don’t leave anything under the groundsheet in the tent. With everybody tired it was very hard work!
You can judge the efforts for yourself as we have photos of each of the tents. We’ll start with the best tent. Spruce won tent inspection that day although they could have done with removing some of the grass from their groundsheet.Sc03-sprucekit

Things were a bit more of a jumble in Larch.Sc03-larchkit
In Beech it was a similar story.Sc03-Beechkit
Finally in Oak it looked as if there were 5 in the tent rather than 4.Sc03-oakkit

Shame really as their tent had been well turned out for most of the week.

Because we were a bit rushed at the end of camp we did not get the usual group pictures. However, we did manage to get one of the Cubs.Sc03-endpic

Catering at camp was provided by SMICCTSO. Photos were taken by Akela (Nick Layt), Andy Viney & Baloo. We hope that we have captured some of your memories from camp.

Akela (Nick Layt) and Steve visited the site in early February and took some pictures to give you an idea of what the site is like.

The site is fairly hilly and consists of a number of fields separated by coppiced woodland. The fields are all named after birds and have several sites on each. Each site has access to its own toilet block which include showers. The biggest and flattest fields are at the north end of the site. Here you will find Larks Blackland Farm - larks2 Blackland Farm - larks1which is the biggest field and Chiff-Chaff.Blackland Farm - chiffchaff You’ll also find the Kingfishers field although I’m glad I’m not camping at the bottom of the slope.Blackland Farm - kingfisher slope

The last field is called Swallows.Blackland Farm - swallows

Heading South from the Camp Centre you pass through Finches and Woodpeckers before heading through Tits Wood into Peewits.Blackland Farm - peewits4 Next to Peewits is Woodpigeons.Blackland Farm - woodpigeons3 The site isn’t all fields by any means. You can avoid walking through camp sites by taking the track through the woods.Blackland Farm - track

The site is well provided for adventurous activities. There are climbing and abseiling towers,Blackland Farm - tower1 Blackland Farm - tower2an indoor climbing wall, an assault course and provision for archery.Blackland Farm - assault courseBlackland Farm - archery You can also go grass sledging, rifle shooting or even play a round of golf! As you’d expect the site also includes a camp fire circle.Blackland Farm - campfire

From Swallows field you get a view across the valley to Stone Farm Rocks – a sandstone outcrop.Blackland Farm - distant rocks Being so close to the camp site means that they are frequently visited an have been equipped with staples so that climbing ropes can easily be attached. The line of rocks makes an impressive site as you approach them.Blackland Farm - rocks4Blackland Farm - rocks1

Some of them have been weathered into interesting shapes.Blackland Farm - rocks2
Blackland Farm - rocks3

While you are over at the rocks you get a good view back to the camp site. You can also see over to nearby Weir Wood Reservoir which is used for canoeing.Blackland Farm - site viewBlackland Farm - reservoir

We have booked Peewits 6Blackland Farm - peewits6 and Woodpigeons 3Blackland Farm - woodpigeons3 which are adjoining sites separated by a hedge. They are at the south end of the site.

District Trip to Portsmouth

On 14 June Cubs from across the District went on a trip to see the Historic Ships at Portsmouth. 12 Cubs from 2nd Bracknell went along and were helped by Ruth Mason and Nick Gill who came along to help Akela and Baloo.

The day was rather hectic with a visit to HMS Warrior followed by a boat trip around Portsmouth Harbour to see what boats were in. After lunch it was HMS Victory and then Action Stations. We ran out of time and didn’t manage to see the Mary Rose.

As usual we have some photos from the day. Most of them were taken by Nick Gill although there are a few of Akela’s in there too.

  • The leaders look at HMS Warrior from the boatP-BoatTrip
  • We got a good view of HMS Warrior from our boat tripP-WarfromBoat
  • We’d been inside the Warrior earlier in the day. Here we see Daniel, Tom and Ben posing by a cannon.P-InsideWarrior
  • Here the same 3 boys salute the captain on the deck of the WarriorP-Warriordeck
  • Below decks on the Warrior Martin, Sam and Daniel think it is time for a meal.P-warriormeal
  • Then it was time for a quick pose above decks before we had to leave for our trip round the harbourP-warriorgroup
  • It wasn’t all historic ships. As the boat trip continued we saw a destroyer and then passed another 2P-navyP-Destroyers
  • Having said that, we could see HMS Victory across the waterP-Victoryfromwater
  • There’s nothing like a trip round the harbour to work up an appetite. By the time we got back the Cubs were ready for lunch. The organisers had reserved us a special lunch room so that we were away from everybody else. The whole District tucked into their sandwiches.P-lunchP-districtlunch
  • After lunch we went for a closer look at HMS Victory. It is a very impressive sight and we have two pictures - one of the bows and one of the stern. Ok that’s front and back to you landlubbers!P-VicFrontP-VicStern
  • Unfortunately there was quite a long queue for the HMS Victory so we had plenty of time to study the outside. We also took a group picture while we were waiting.P-VicGroup
  • Two of the Cubs were keen to make sure that the dry dock was really dry.P-Drydock
  • Once on board the ship we weren’t allowed to take many pictures. However, we did manage to capture the plaque marking the place where Nelson was shot.P-Plaque
  • At the end of the day there was just time to get a group picture of all the Cubs from the District before the coaches left.P-DistrictGroup

We’ve now got Baloo’s pictures to add to the collection

  • Group picture on HMS Victory.P-Victorygroup
  • tired group of boys wait at the dockyard gates on the way home.P-end

This was a District Event.