4 Cubs Move on to Scouts Each with a Silver Award


Today saw four of our Cubs finally move up to Scouts.

What is amazing is that each of these Cubs has achieved their silver award. This is the highest award a Cub can earn in scouting and takes a lot of commitment and time to scouting.

The Cub leaders are very proud of the achievements of these four cubs and hope to hand out many more Silver awards in the future.

Chris Kinch the Scout leader has set a challenge for these fours cubs to achieve the Scouting Gold award which has not been handed out in several years and is an incredible achievement.

The Cub leaders wish these four cubs and all the best in their new Scout Troop and every success in achiving the Gold Award.

The Cub Leaders

50 Golden Moments – Parent & Child Camp 2017

group picture

Once again, the weather Gods have been in our favour.

The 2017 Parent and Child Camp has been a great success where there were many happy (but dirty) faces (and the children were no cleaner either). And come Sunday night many weary bodies and tired children.

So this year 36 adults and children attended camp (18 of each)

We had many Beavers, a couple of Cubs, some Scubs (Cubs who are visiting scouts at the moment) and 1 Scout. The age range was from 6 to 13 but all had a great time and played together occasionally they would help with the tasks involved but were very good at doing the washing up ;-)

This years challenges saw us build a copy of the Golden Gate bridge that had to support and adult walking across it. A matchbox that contained 50 different items, humane mouse trap, fly swat and many more items.


We had to compete in teams giant kerplunk, crossing lava on crates, shaving balloons, bouncing ping pong balls into buckets, gold mining, maypole dancing (this really is good fun) finding clues to make a word, horse racing, getting a message out of a water pipe with holes in it and making a collage.

2nd Bracknell won the dinner service prize and a special prize for sportsmanship for helping some other teams in the events.


We had a great camp fire and as a group we sang a collection of songs form the past 50 years.

Thanks to Derek for helping to setup and break down the camp, and thanks to Jason (Van man) for getting the equipment out and sorted into the hall, there are many other people involved in organising a camp Nick sorted out the DBS’s, Steve Richard the DC worked with Gilwell and Steve Prower was our home contact. Without all of these people we are unable to run events like this.

If you would be interested in helping please contact one of the leaders as we are always looking for new leaders and helpers.

Thanks to everybody for a fantastic time.

Patrick (Hathi – Cub Scout Leader)

campfire group

giant kerplunk horse racing


Remembrance Day Parade – CUBS


The sun was shining on the Remembrance weekend where over 15 Cubs from 2nd Bracknell took part in the Remembrance parade on Sunday 13th November in Bracknell Town Center. There were lots of people there to watch including many parents. 

The Cubs were well turned out and paraded well to and from the memorial.



Cubs Narrow Boating on the Grand Union

Narrowboat 3


On the weekend of Friday 30th Sept through to Sunday 2nd October saw 35 Cubs in total on the waters of the Grand Union canal.
The Cubs were split up into 2 groups, the first group getting to the Narrow boats moored at Hillingdons Narrow boat Associations HQ on the Friday evening, sleeping over on the boat ready for a days boating on the Saturday up the canal, returning around 4pm. The second group doing the same on the Saturday evening for their boating experience on the Sunday.
All Cubs had a go at sleeping! (not all were that good at this I have to say), steering (under the watchful eyes of our skippers Steve and David), feeding the ducks and swans on-route, and operating the many locks we had to go through.
I am pleased to say that NO Cubs got wet from the canal over the whole weekend (though we did have a small amount of rain on the Saturday trip) the Sunday group had glorious sunshine all day.
Going on how vocal all the Cubs were over the whole weekend they all had a fantastic time, and thanks must go out to all the Cub leaders, Lesley, David and Steve for lasting the whole weekend.
Ian Wooster (parent helper)
Narrowboat1 Narrowboat2